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"As a Jew who needs accommodations for some mitzvot and yearns to have a deep relationship with mitzvot, A Mitzvah To Eat is a bracha (blessing). Our tradition is big enough and resilient enough to hold all of us. We need compassionate, loving religious leadership in these times, reminding our fellow Jews that whatever their personal circumstances are, Judaism is here for us." - Rabbi Lauren Tuchman

"A Mitzvah to Eat has helped me enormously in feeling that I have a place in the Jewish community even though my disabilities and neurodiversity have made it hard to live a life of Torah and mitzvot as I would like. I also think that without A Mitzvah to Eat, I would not have had the courage to break my fast on Yom Kippur when I was showing symptoms of lithium toxicity and I would have made myself very ill (or worse) as a result."

"The support from A Mitzvah to Eat has been invaluable for me as a conversion candidate to Liberal Judaism.  For while rabbis in the various progressive movements are completely supportive of having a mitzvah to eat, there is still a lingering sadness about missing essential parts of the Jewish experience, especially on Yom Kippur... The community around A Mitzvah to Eat have been wonderful in their support, and in helping me to find ways to fill the Jewish holidays with deep spiritual meaning..."

"Due to many health and mental health challenges, Torah observance is not a one size fits all. I am so grateful for A Mitzvah to Eat for building a community that captures the Torah's essence and brings texts that support what can feel like a lonely path – trying to integrate Torah into specific needs. A Mitzvah to Eat reaches out to anyone who feels a bit on the outside and provides a beautiful inclusive Torah community."

"As a licensed social worker treating both the neurodiverse populations and complex PTSD crowds I really wanted to say thank you for your advocacy and awareness. What a mitzvah it is to share such knowledge and compassion for one another."

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