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I'm not able to safely fast. But, I really want to connect to my Jewish community and the meaning of the Shiva Asar B'Tammuz (17th of Tammuz). How do I do that if I am eating?

Our answer:

The 17th of Tammuz is at the beginning of a period of mourning leading up to Tisha B'av, so you might think about how to create beginnings that bring people together rather than tear them apart.

More generally, on days that commemorate destruction and brokenness, we can build, heal, and begin to fix what is broken.

You might choose to volunteer or give to an organization that relieves suffering due to hunger or poverty.

Or, you might choose to contribute to an organization that supports and strengthens Jewish communities.

Perhaps you will reach out to someone who is struggling, and listen and be present with them.

You might also say a prayer to honor your action of pikuach nefesh (making sure life takes precedence.) Find our prayer here, or perhaps you will write your own.

We hope you have a meaningful day. We support you always.

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