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*The answers to these questions are the collaborative opinions of our team, which includes rabbis and educators. We are sharing our opinions for informational purposes only.  A Mitzvah to Eat is not intended to replace consultation with a medical professional, nor is it tailored to your specific body, background or interpretation of Jewish law. A Mitzvah to Eat does not assume any responsibility for actions taken by any person as a result of information shared through this platform.

  • How do I connect to Yom Kippur if I’m eating?
    Even for those who are able to fast without harm, Yom Kippur is so much more than the fast. Yom Kippur is about teshuvah, which is sometimes explained as repentance. We would like to suggest a more expansive meaning of teshuvah, however. We see teshuvah as a process of self-reflection, where a person has an opportunity to draw closer to their true self, and to draw closer to God. Those who are able to fast can use the fast as part of their process of teshuvah. Those who need to eat can make their eating meaningful by using it to draw closer to God and to their true selves.
  • I need to eat on Yom Kippur. How can I use my eating to draw closer to God?
    For those who need to eat, a starting place might be a sense that God does not ask us to do mitzvot that are not safe for us. We can be who we are with God. The mitzvah to eat is as important as the mitzvah to fast. Perhaps you might also find meaning in using our compilation of prayers and rituals for those needing to eat on Yom Kippur. In addition, those who need to eat full meals add the “ya’aleh v’yavo” section in the third paragraph of birkat hamazon, the blessing after eating a meal containing bread. An addition for Yom Kippur may also be added to al hamichiyah, the blessing after grain products.
  • I am not able to safely fast. Every time I talk about needing to eat on Yom Kippur, the conversation always goes directly to shiurim (small, spread out amounts). However, shiurim are not safe and sufficient for me! Is it an option to eat more than shiurim?
    We are concerned that an overemphasis on eating in shiurim can cause some people who can't safely fast to hesitate to eat enough or even to eat at all. Additionally, Jewish law texts are clear that shiurim were only intended to be used on Yom Kippur for those who would find them to be safe, (meaning being able to observe Yom Kippur safely), and sufficient (enough to meet their needs). If you need to eat more than shiurim, please know that there is holiness in protecting your health and observing Yom Kippur safely. You are actually commanded to eat for that purpose. We know that it can be hard to feel comfortable with eating as much as you need, and we’re here to support you.
  • If I need to eat/drink in the same amounts as I usually do on Yom Kippur, should I eat different foods than I normally do?
    Some who need to eat normal amounts of foods on Yom Kippur will choose to eat in a way that marks the day for them. This is only an option for people who can safely adjust their eating on Yom Kippur, and it is critical that in doing so, they still get what their bodies and minds need. Others may need to eat in the exact same way as they normally do, or to follow a specific meal plan designed by health professionals. If this is what you need to do on Yom Kippur, we send you our full support.
  • If I need to eat on Yom Kippur, do I need to eat privately? My synagogue doesn’t have a place to eat. Does this mean I need to stay home for all of Yom Kippur?
    In some communities, there is either explicit or implicit messaging that those who need to eat on Yom Kippur should do so b’tzina, privately. It’s important to be aware that an emphasis on eating privately can send the message that eating on Yom Kippur is wrong, even for those who can’t safely fast. We find this messaging dangerously inaccurate. We also know that some, but not all, people who are able to fast might find it harder to fast if they see others eating. Because of this tension, we would suggest eating b’kavod, eating respectfully. Naturally, respect is something that we extend to both ourselves and to others. Respect to both those fasting and those eating would include providing dedicated eating spaces in synagogues. Sometimes clergy members will offer their offices for this purpose if space is tight. Approaching Yom Kippur from a perspective of respect for both those eating and fasting means that we accept the possibility that those fasting might see someone eating. It is not always practical to move to a separate space. Moreover, in public outdoor spaces, it is not possible to dedicate space for eating. Those who find the idea of seeing someone eat in public on Yom Kippur a difficult adjustment might consider how in communities where phone use on Shabbat is not part of the typical observance, doctors on call are not usually expected to stay home all day. We understand that they might like to walk to synagogue or go to the park. We understand that they might need to answer their phone while out in public. Notably, we are willing to trust that they are doing so because this is needed. It is time to use this model to similarly support those who need to eat on Yom Kippur.
  • For community members: If someone says that they need to eat on Yom Kippur, should I ask them to explain why? After all, Yom Kippur is a serious fast day.
    Yom Kippur is a serious fast day for those who are able to fast safely. There are many reasons that people might find fasting unsafe, however, including those with various physical and mental health conditions, trauma around food and hunger, disabilities, and more. If fasting is unsafe, it is a mitzvah to eat. We understand your curiosity in asking this question, particularly if the concept of needing to eat on Yom Kippur is new to you. We do ask, however, that you reflect before asking those who are eating and/or drinking on Yom Kippur to give explanations for doing so. Most of us don’t normally ask people to share their health conditions with us because we understand that information to be personal and private. We usually let others take the lead on how much they do or do not wish to share with us. Please respect the fact that people who need to eat on Yom Kippur may prefer to keep their reasons private.
  • For community members: I really want to help other people find Yom Kippur meaningful, including those who need to eat as usual. Should I give advice to others about how to eat, including suggesting that they eat one plain food, such as rice, all day?
    We hear your intentions, and we would like to offer a different perspective. It’s important to be aware that some people may be coming to Yom Kippur with eating and drinking needs about which you are not aware. After all, many people prefer to keep their experiences and/or health conditions private. Without knowing the kinds of food and drinks that a person needs on a typical day, it is potentially unsafe to give advice on how to eat on Yom Kippur. If you would like to share how you or others have found meaning, perhaps consider saying something like this, “Some people find it meaningful to only eat plain foods or foods that they don’t enjoy. But I get it that that isn’t the right choice for everyone.”
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